Use These Tips To Teach Fido Some New Tricks

Dogs, regardless of their size, tend to have a general attitude about how they behave. If this is not taken into account when training, the sessions will not be effective. This article should help anyone get into the right mindset if they are not already there.

You can try a little bit of ingenuity if you are going with crate training for your indoor dog or puppy. If your puppy doesn’t like being in his crate, put a dog treat or chew bone in it and close the door to keep him out. Your dog will want to get into the crate in order to eat the treat. Once they enter the crate, be sure to praise them to show that what they did was good.

Make sure you establish feeding routines and times for your dog. Develop a feeding schedule, and be consistent with the routines so you can teach your dog what to expect and how to behave. Doing so will encourage your pooch to eat efficiently.

Establish a verbal cue to let your dog know when a command has been carried out to your satisfaction. Even a simple monosyllabic spoken ‘yes’ can help the dog to connect the desired behavior with the imminent reward.

Avoid accidents if you want to housebreak your dog. Learn the signs that your dog needs to use the restroom. If your dog is pacing or whining, you need to take them outside. If you see your dog exhibiting these behaviors, jump right up and grab the leash. Immediately take your dog outside to the official restroom spot. Good toilet behavior is worthy of praise. Your dog will eventually learn how to alert you when it’s time for them to use the restroom.

Don’t approach a strange dog too quickly. Hold our your hand and slowly move closer. The dog will become familiar with your smell and recognize the scent in the future. After he knows you and your scent, it is easier to command him.

Always use positive reinforcement to train your dog. Use petting, positive words, and occasion treats to reward your dog whenever he does something good. Refrain from any physical contact if your dog does not follow directions. Your dog will not respond well to these methods and will not understand what you want them to do. To get the best results from your dog training, you need to be firm and consistent, staying positive at all times.

Even your disobedient dog can be trained. Patience and information are all that are required to train that dog. After reading this article, you should be able to make training your dog the easiest experience possible.

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